On this page you can download owners manuals for such Zotye cars as: Zotye Damai X5, Zotye Damai X7, Zotye T600, Zotye T200, Zotye Z700, Zotye Z500, Zotye Z300 Horizons Version, Zotye Z300, Zotye M300, Zotye Yun 100, Zotye Z100, Zotye Zhidou E20
Zotye Auto (Zotye International Automobile Trading Co., Ltd.) - a well-known Chinese manufacturer of cars sold under the brand Zotye brand. Currently owned by Zotye Holding Group and the main direction of its activity is the manufacture of vehicles and spare parts to them.
Holding Zotye Holding Group Co., Ltd was established in 2003 and its main specialty was the production of components for Chinese automotive industry, as well as the production of soldering, welding and bending shape of the body for the Chinese automobile manufacturers and the production of other goods that are not related to the automotive industry.
The company since its founding principle is not used in its operations overseas technology and tries to develop its own production. In addition, its main policy was the capture of foreign
markets, with the result that today the holding company managed to open their representative offices in fifty countries around the world.
Zotye Holding Group currently has two brands: Zotye and Jiangnan. In addition to cars, he also produces trucks, vans, cars commercial segment, motorcycles and consumer goods. Actively supported
by the state, in this connection, experts and attributed the sharp expansion of the holding company and its financial stability on the market.
Headquartered Zote is located in Zhejiang Province, Yongkang city, 300 kilometers from Shanghai, is located in the same place, and established in 2005, Zotye Auto, which specializes in passenger car production. The decision to create it was made on the wave of success of other Chinese manufacturers, they have demonstrated both in China and around the world.
The company owns a production base that is located on an area of 1.2 hectares. It employs 3000 people. In addition, there are three more production facilities, which are located near the city of Hangzhou, Changsha and Syantan. The composition of the units included in the same car Institute and R & D center in Italy. The dealer network is represented, mainly in China and covers all the major cities of the country.
Hangzhou also has warehouses with a total area of 10 000 square meters for the storage of spare parts. There are logistics centers located in the coastal and border areas of China.
With regard to the international center of the company, it is located in Shanghai and from there made his leadership of the foreign branches and representative offices, as well as regulated
export Zotye vehicles on the markets of Eastern Europe, North Africa, Central America and other regions. Planned expansion of its premises in connection with the future increase
in the volume of exports of holding products in Eastern Europe and Russia.
It is worth noting the fact that the cars directly Zotye Auto produces only a year but its owners have built a manufacturing facility capable of producing in the
light of up to 100 000 cars of this brand. This was facilitated by the fact that the holding in 2007 absorbed the famous car manufacturer in China Jiangnan Auto Enteprise from Hunan
Who is working on the reform of the production process of enterprises of this brand, after which they will produce vehicles under the brand name Zotye Alto. Main production is running at full
capacity in a few years. At least, holding leadership has repeatedly stated about it.
The first successful car company became compact SUV Zotye 2008 / Trophy, which was first officially presented in Moscow in 2007 at the Motor Show "Interauto".
It should also be noted that competitors have repeatedly accused the company is that it is stealing ideas from other automakers and produces clones of popular cars of foreign manufacture. However
DADA Guide states that all developing original and created by engineers holding their own.
D (Sunday, 09 March 2025 16:43)
Miguel Murillo (Sunday, 02 March 2025 20:26)
Bryan Nolivos Santana (Monday, 24 February 2025 20:59)
Hola, me ayudarían con el manual del Domy X7, motor 1.8 turbo, gracias.
Andrés (Wednesday, 29 January 2025 17:26)
Hola necesito el manual del zotye t600 2.0 turbo
Renato Cordova (Thursday, 12 December 2024 16:35)
Hola buen dia, si me podrian enviar el manual electrico del Zotye Nomad 2008
Carlos Carrillo (Wednesday, 11 December 2024 05:58)
Leonardo Vasquez (Thursday, 05 December 2024 15:21)
Ayudeme con el manuel del Z500 turbo
Erick (Wednesday, 20 November 2024 15:10)
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Emilio Coppiano Granja (Sunday, 22 September 2024 02:09)
Sebastian pullas (Friday, 30 August 2024 13:35)
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adel (Wednesday, 14 August 2024 11:47)
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youcef (Saturday, 13 April 2024 17:18)
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Paul (Saturday, 02 March 2024 13:42)
Alvaro Pinza (Tuesday, 14 November 2023 19:11)
Buenas tardes
favor ayuda, con el manual del zotye nomada
kleber (Thursday, 26 October 2023 04:39)
Por favor necesito el Manual para Zotye z100 2019
Benia abdelmadjid (Monday, 23 October 2023 15:04)
J'ai besoin du manuel du Zotye z100 ' (année 2012)
Byron (Tuesday, 17 October 2023 22:50)
Por favor alguien que me pueda ayudar con el manual completo del carro T600 2.0 turbo años 2017 y el de la radio. Gracias
Luis herrera (Wednesday, 11 October 2023 04:16)
Necesito el plano
y (Wednesday, 27 September 2023 04:31)
hola, también necesito el manual, alguien lo ha logrado?
aqui dejo mi email por si... yainicet.nogueras@gmail.com
José santana (Monday, 18 September 2023 23:37)
Buenas nesecito el manual del zotyez100 mi correo es jsantana1472@yahoo.com
José santans (Monday, 18 September 2023 23:36)
Buenas me pueden ayudar catálogo Zotye z100
David Cazar (Monday, 31 July 2023 22:52)
Sistema eléctrico Z500
MAURICIO CUEVA (Saturday, 22 July 2023 19:55)
Good morning, could you help me with the electric manual of zotye z560
My mail is mauriciocrd@hotmail.com
Juan Bastidas (Sunday, 02 July 2023 16:47)
Buen día me ayudan con el diagrama eléctrico y si hay del sistema de dirección, juferbas@gmail.com
ROSA PERALTA (Sunday, 18 June 2023 16:49)
Isaac (Thursday, 15 June 2023 15:02)
Necesito el manual de Zotye z100 porfa �.
jUAN (Thursday, 11 May 2023 04:32)
Por favor me ayudan con el manual de usuario del zotye z100
Caros Torres (Wednesday, 19 April 2023 21:28)
buenas tardes
Mi radio de la zotye 1300 modelo 2008 se ve encendido pero no suena, el radio lleva fusibles o algo que yo pueda cambiar para solucionar el problema
SANDRA MURILLO (Thursday, 13 April 2023 11:15)
Buenos dias por favor me ayudan con el manual del Zotye Nomada 1600 modelo 2012, mi correo es samimume26@gmail.com.
Muchas grqcia
Galo Peñafiel (Tuesday, 28 March 2023)
por favor me ayudan con el amnual para el zotye T600 2.0 2017 al correo galo1234@hotmail.com
Loucif ael (Wednesday, 15 March 2023 08:14)
khaledsebihi8@gmail.com (Monday, 13 March 2023 15:35)
khaled (Monday, 13 March 2023 15:25)
favor el manual de repair del zotye nomad 1
Jorge bautista (Friday, 10 March 2023 15:22)
Necesito xfavor el manual de reparacion del zotye z100 2018
Diego Duque (Sunday, 05 February 2023)
Andrés Felipe (Friday, 03 February 2023 18:45)
Busco el manual de taller para un Zotye 1.3 modelo 2014
Iván Miño (Friday, 03 February 2023 18:44)
Por favor necesito el manual del Zptye Z100. Muchas gracias.
galo (Wednesday, 01 February 2023 02:57)
Necesito el manual del zotye 360 por favor
Jairo López (Monday, 14 November 2022 05:08)
Necesito los diagramas eléctricos del damai x7 vin LJ8F2D5G9JE030973
Rodrigo (Saturday, 05 November 2022 16:48)
Hola por favor tienes el manual de despiece del zotye hunter o t-200, necesito además de todo lo demás, por el momento específicamente del diferencial y saber el número de dientes de la corona y el cono. Rppc88@hotmail.com
Jairo López (Sunday, 23 October 2022 02:23)
Please I need the manual and electrical diagrams for the zotye Damai X7 year 2018
Jairo López (Sunday, 23 October 2022 02:21)
Please I need the manual and electrical diagrams for the zotye Damai X7 year 2018
Marielvys Villegas (Tuesday, 27 September 2022 22:26)
Hola, por favor necesito el diagrama eléctrico de la computadora, para un zotye nomada 1.6 motor Mitsubishi, tiene fallas debido al cambio de cables del sensor de temperatura y alternador. Agradezco su amable ayuda y atención brindada al correo: marielvysvillegas@gmail.com
pepeyaguargos@gmail.com (Tuesday, 13 September 2022 18:29)
Solicito el manual del usuario del zotye t600 1.5 español le agradezco mucho de antemano
Javier solicitando ayuda (Wednesday, 24 August 2022 20:11)
Hola compañeros zotye, un lindo auto, por favor nesesito el diagrama eléctrico del pin aut, para un zotye nomada 1.6 motor Mitsubishi, no enciende por falta de señal desde la computadora.
Agradezco su amable ayuda y atención brindada al correo:
Espero su pronta ayuda, mil Gracias
Javier (Wednesday, 24 August 2022 20:05)
Agosto 2022
Hola compañeros zotye, un lindo auto, por favor nesesito el diagrama eléctrico del pin aut, para un zotye nomada 1.6 motor Mitsubishi, no enciende por falta de señal desde la computadora.
Agradezco su amable ayuda y atención brindada.
Carlos Arnoldo Peña (Monday, 22 August 2022 17:24)
Buenas, saludos. Me pueden facilitar el manual del sistema eléctrico de la nomada zotye 2008
Enviarlo al correo aernoldo.123@gmail.com
TALLER CECI (Thursday, 18 August 2022 22:17)
Necesito manual de reparacion Zotye Z100 año 2018 +593 98 815 2984
Carlos Arnoldo Peña (Thursday, 28 July 2022 23:34)
Buenas. Necesito el manual electrico de la Zotye Nomad 1.6 2008
correo: arnoldo.123@gmail.com
Gregor Medina Salero (Wednesday, 27 July 2022 02:40)
Saludos, buenas, quisiera el diagrama de la computadora de la Zotye Nomada 1.6 agradecidos, E-Mail senharle@gmail.com